المترجم .
الناشر Barron's

عدد الصفحات 201

الترقيم الدولي 9781438008103

المحرر .

نوع الغلاف غلاف عادي

This combination book and audio instructional program is designed to diminish the accents of men and women who speak English as their second language. It will help them speak standard American English with clarity, confidence, and accuracy. Specific exercises concentrate on vowel sounds, problematic consonants such as V, W, TH, the American R, and the often confusing American T sound. It teaches them to employ correct syllable stress, emphasize the correct words in a sentence for native sounding rhythm, speak with American intonation, link words for smoother speech flow, use common word contractions, and more. Additional topics that often confuse ESL students are also discussed and explained. They include distinguishing between casual and formal speech, homophones (for instance, they're and there), recognizing words with silent letters (comb, receipt, and others), and avoiding embarrassing pronunciation mistakes, such as mixing up "beach" and "bitch." Students are familiarized with many irregular English spelling rules and exceptions, and are shown how such irregularities can contribute to pronunciation errors. A native language guide references problematic accent issues of 13 different language backgrounds. Correct lip and tongue positions for all sounds are discussed in detail. There is also a link to downloadable audio that uses male and female voices to coach correct American-style pronunciation.


50 USD

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الشحن والدفع

نحن ندرك تماماً أهمية حماية خصوصية المعلومات التي تزودونا بها, فمكتبة الأنجلو المصرية لا تشارك معلوماتكم الشخصية مع أي شركات أخرى لأهداف تسويقية او غيرها. المعلومات التي نطلبها تستخدم فقط بواسطة المكتبة لكى نتمكن من ارسال الطلبات فى دقه و سرعة الى العنوان المذكور سياسة ارجاع السلع يمكن ارجاع الكتب المباعة فى خلال اربعة عشر يوما من تاريخ الشراء و يتم حساب تكاليف الشحن على العميل لكن فى حاله ان هناك خطأ فى الارسال او المنتج يتم تحمل تكاليف الشحن بالكامل على المكتبة اما بالنسبة للاختبارات النفسية لا يمكن استرجاعها لاى سبب كان الا اذا كان هناك خطأ فى الشحن من طرفنا

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