R.C.C. Designs Reinforced Concrete Structures

Author | Publisher Laxmi Publications

Publish Year 2018

ISBN 9788131809426-0950

Book Cover Paperback Cover

Reinforced concrete occupies a leading position in modern construction. Proper reinforced concrete construction depends upon thorough understanding of the action of the structure and upon the knowledge of characteristics and limitations of those materials that are used in its construction. The Tenth Edition of the book, containing Forty Eight Chapters incorporates the following : (1) Working Stress Design (2) Limit State Design (3) Prestressed Concrete (4) Water Tanks (5) Buildings, and (6) Bridges. Various Examples and Designs contained in the book are based on the latest recommendations of IS 456-2000. Each chapter begins with clear statements of pertinent definitions, design principles and theories, and the design procedures. The basic principles are supplemented with numerous design examples and illustrations, along with detailed drawings. The book will be equally useful for students, teachers and designing and construction engineers.


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