A Textbook of Building Construction
Author DINKU | Publisher Laxmi Publications
Publish Year 2017
Pages 199
ISBN 9789386035608
Book Cover Paperback Cover
This book has been written for the degree students of civil engineering, architecture and construction technology and management students who are taking Building Construction in their course. It will cater to the requirements of the said students of other institutes also, who want to enhance their knowledge in this subject. The book is written in a lucid and comprehensible language, as if a teacher is teaching the subject to the students in front of them. It is divided into 16 chapters â?? Introduction (Development of Building Construction, Design and Performance Requirements of a Building, Steps in Building Construction, etc.); Building Drawings; Soils and their Investigation; Foundations; Floors; Walls; Stairs; Doors and Windows; Roofs and Roof Coverings; Finishings; Damp Prevention; Provisions of Joint in Structures; Formwork and Scaffolds, Water Supply and Drainage Systems; Fireplaces and Flues; and, Health and Safety in Construction. The topics are supplemented with invaluable appendices, references, index, list of figures, list of tables and list of plates. In this book, local building codes of Ethiopia have been incorporated. The book will also benefit the practicing engineers.
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نحن ندرك تماماً أهمية حماية خصوصية المعلومات التي تزودونا بها, فمكتبة الأنجلو المصرية لا تشارك معلوماتكم الشخصية مع أي شركات أخرى لأهداف تسويقية او غيرها. المعلومات التي نطلبها تستخدم فقط بواسطة المكتبة لكى نتمكن من ارسال الطلبات فى دقه و سرعة الى العنوان المذكور سياسة ارجاع السلع يمكن ارجاع الكتب المباعة فى خلال اربعة عشر يوما من تاريخ الشراء و يتم حساب تكاليف الشحن على العميل لكن فى حاله ان هناك خطأ فى الارسال او المنتج يتم تحمل تكاليف الشحن بالكامل على المكتبة اما بالنسبة للاختبارات النفسية لا يمكن استرجاعها لاى سبب كان الا اذا كان هناك خطأ فى الشحن من طرفنا